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Commissions and Freelance

So the workshop is up and running and I am caught up with orders. With the ludicrous amount of rain we’ve had in the UK recently,  I’ve had some trouble with flooding but I have been able to work around it to some extent.

I need to explain another, more frustrating, problem which I have been encountering lately in delivering my custom shoulder pads service. I’m finding it increasingly difficult to get prints I am happy with at a price reasonable for most hobbyists to pay. Combined with rising costs of both prints and shipping those prints to me, this means that I’m going to have to stop offering the custom service until I can find a more suitable solution. I’m sorry to those of you who will be disappointed by this.

I continue to be very busy with freelance work. You should see several of my sculpts for GCT Studios’ Rise of the Kage boardgame fairly soon. My first sculpt for their Bushido skirmish game has also just gone on pre-order (see below). Great guys to work with. They have crafted a wonderful oriental-inspired fantasy world and a fantastic ruleset to go with it. One of my favourite games currently. If you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend trying it out. The rules can be downloaded for free from their website.


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