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Sunday was a bit of a shit day for our self-isolating little family. First, my wife was told that her grandad had passed away in the night. Shortly after, I was told that my dad had also passed away. Both largely without drama, and nothing to do with COVID-19. It does mean that visiting was out of the question and any funerals will be somewhat difficult to plan.

I was fairly prepared for my dad passing. I saw him last Sunday and he was clearly done with it all – he said as much. Not in a depressing, defeated way – this has been a rapid deterioration – but he was ready to go. I knew I may not see him again.

Still, rough day, & weird times. I think we’re OK. Little man is clinging to his mum a lot, and is getting upset easily, but seems otherwise fairly well. Hopefully a false alarm. He bloody loves Totoro right now, so we’re watching that twice a day and spending time in the garden whilst the weather is nice. Could certainly be worse!

I received notice this morning that, following Monday’s announcements by the UK government, my place of work is shutting entirely. As I’m still not allowed out, I can’t retrieve any stock from the workshop. The store will remain open, but all orders will be delayed indefinitely – except those consisting only of print-on-demand items. Those will continue as long as I have material with which to print.

Print-on-demand items include: 3D Alien Worlds scenery, Bushido zones and accessories. All resin items, such as shoulder pads, are stuck at work 🙁

Take care of yourselves, and paint your minis!


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